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Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Berapakah Luas daratan di bumi? (Indonesian)

Permukaan Bumi terbagi utas daratan dan lautan. Perbandingan antara luas lautan dandaratan kira kira 7:3. Belaharan bumi yang lebih banyak mengandung laut daripada daratan dinamakan belahan lautan. Sedangkan belahan Bumi yang lebih banyak mengandung daratan daripada lautan dinamakan belahan daratan.

Belahan lautan berpusat di 48 degrees LS dan 179 fegrees BB di Selandia Baru. Wilayahnya melipati Australia, Kutub Selatan, Papua Nogini, Sebagian besar Indonesia, dan Filipina. Laut di belahan lautan berjumlah 63% dari total keseluruhan lat yang ada di Bumi. Rasio perbandingan luas ddaratan dan lautnya adalah 1:9.

Sebaliknya, belahan daratan berpusat di selat Inggris. Di belahan daratan, perbedaan luas daratan dan lautan adalah 47:53, dengan wilayah laut yang sedikit lebih luas.

Hali Lintar

Apa Halilintar itu?
HaliLintar adalah satu garis lurus terbuat dari elektrisiti yang muncul dari awan Kumulonimbus saat hujan.

Lho, kok kalau di lihat kaya zig-zag?
Halilintar itu harus ada angin yang ada angin yang ada molekul-molekul air untuk tidak mati, jadinya dia lompat kaya zig-zag untuk cari molekulnya. Halilintar harus lompat-lompat kaya zig-zag sampai di sentuh oleh tanah di bawah. Kadang-Kadang, gedung yang tinggi ada rod spesial untuk menarik Halilintarnya dan membawanya ke dasar.

Kenapa Halilintar muncul sebelum Petir?
Itu jawabnya sangat simple, yaitu karena cahaya kecepatanya lebih cepat dari suara, jadinya halilintar bisa terlihat dulu dan 3-4 detik lagi, kita bisa dengar petir. Booommm!!!!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

How to treat 'ich' also known as Fresh water White spot disease

Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis, is a common disease of freshwater fish. It can be fatal if not treated.
'Ich' is a parasite that often appears as White spots on the fins and gills of the fish, roughly the size of a pin head. There is a theory that all fish have it and only become infected when stressed, I do not know if this is true. First, set your aquarium degrees up to a higher temperature as this will speed up the life cycle of the parasite, but only do this if your fish tolerate high water temperatures. Chemical treatments include formalin, malachite green, methylene blue, chelated copper, copper sulfate, potassium permanganate and quinine. You can by a treatment from your local pet store. My fish have just been cured of 'ich', but I did lose a few so  be prepared.


A Taste Of Biology

1. Living Things
Biology is the study of living things. Living things are a group of objects which have many common characteristics. All living things have life, which means they can carry out activities and other things. All living things need oxygen to thrive. Living things include plants, fish and us. Living things move, grow, react and reproduce from energy which they can get from food sources around them.

2.Classification Of Living Things
Living things are usually divided into two groups - plants and animals. The differences between plants and animals can be seen in three main areas - their movement, whether they make their own food, and the structure of their cells.

Movement- The movement of most plants is slow. They are fixed in one place by their roots. Plants have a process called 'photosynthesis', which means that they can take in carbon dioxide and release them into the air as oxygen. Animals have specialised parts such as legs, wings, fins, tails and small hairs which are used just for movement. Some move slowly and some can move rapidly.

Cell Structure- All living things are made of tiny cells. Some living things consist of one single cell, while others, such as humans consist of millions. Plant cells are usually box shaped and contain more liquid.
