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Sunday, 29 September 2013

How to identify a Wolf

Wolves are from the canine family and do not have retractable claws such as that of most of the Feline family.
Wolves have chests that are narrow and keel-like. Wolves have the ability to lengthen or shorten the hair on their manes, which will stand out since the hair on the mane is the longest and can grow up to 7 cm.
Also wolves are aggressive and hunt in packs which consist of adults and young, while foxes hunt in pairs of 2 or hunt by themselves. Wolves ears are always up and never droop down or hang down. Its tail is never curled, but can be brought down or be put straight up, depending on the wolves mood.

A Wolfs hair colour can also be another clue:
A wolves coat is never spotted. In the Arctic, A wolves coat is White as to camouflage in the White snow.
Black and Brown are common in the forest and subarctic regions, Grey most common in the South and the woves at the North-Western area have Either Grey or Black coats.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Most of you probably never heard of a Kudu.
A Kudu is a sub-species of Antelope, which means that they are sort of like cousins or brothers. The Kudu is almost identical to the Antelope. Kudu's are herbivores which means that they rely on plants and vegetables for their source of food.

Kudus can be found near or in woodlands and forests, this is because they rely on their immense agility and speed to quickly jump into the forests or woodlands in order to shake-off or escape predators. Kudu are prone to many other animals such as tigers, lions, cheetahs and other vicious carnivores.

The Kudu live in small herds consisting of the females and their calves. The males tend to be solitary and only come together when mating season starts just after rainy season, where the grass is tall and the newborns will have plenty to eat. The long grass will also help hide the newborns from predators.

Humans have been a help and also a threat to Kudus. Some people tend to find Kudu's easy targets, and are killed for their horns and fur. Some indigenous  cultures and people see the Kudu as a sacred animal and will protect it instead of killing it.

Thank-you for reading and i hope you've learnt a lot about Kudus.